"The Goverment has a right to know what people are reading so they may determine who may be a threat."
I strongly disagree with this statement. Monitoring what people are reading would not reveal who could be a threat to the Goverment. What would they consider a threat to the Goverment? Someone reading a book about some idea that goes against something the Goverment supports? Would they consider someone reading a book about guns, or how to make bombs a threat? A person could just be interested in how bombs are built because they are curious, not because they are planning on making a bomb and then planting it in the White House. There are a large variety of reasons people read what they read, and it is not an accurate way to determine who could be a threat to the goverment. Monitoring what people read is infringing on people's privacy and digging into things that don't really affect the goverment at all. I could be researching at the library for a project on nuclear warfare, but they would see I checked out a book about nuclear warfare and assume that I was threat to the goverement because of that. Knowing what people are reading is a very inaccurate way to determine whether they are a threat.
I agree with Jada that the government should not be able to monitor what each individual person is reading and persecute them for it. I do think, though, that a government can know what books are out there and if they are being read by a large amount of people and they can consider whether a change may be neccessary in order to prevent something that is bad for the country based on information in a book. But they should not be able to censor or ban books.
i agree with Jada. i think that if the government is going to spy on citizens or have the right to approve what someone is reading just to see if they are a threat to the government, then the citizens should be able to question the government about thier sources to determine if they are a threat to the community. what if the government just happeneed to have a book about guns or bombs on their desks or pictures of guns as their screensaver? would they be considered a threat to society, just as a citizen would be considered as a threat to the government if that was them?
the one on top is mine! :)-Vanessa
I agree completely, as it's really quite foolish that the government would go through all the trouble just to figure what individual people are reading, watching, or learning about. If they were really that protective about what we learn or what may entertain us, why wouldn't they just destroy it at the source and never let industries publish the incriminating material in the first place? Ranking people on their threat levels by what books they may read sounds completely absurd and not worth the extra effort.
-Max David
I completely agree with your statement Jada. The government shouldn’t assume just because a person is reading something that they may be a threat to the country. There are millions of people in our country that do researches or collect certain issues for personal reasons, not necessarily saying they do it because they’re pre-meditating something harmful. Now I can kind of see why the government might want to do that but they’re also so many other problems to worry about in our country than to worry about what people are reading. Our country has a problem with murder, kidnapping, thefts. Now, the government might not see that as a big threat to our country, but if they don’t do anything about that, it will become something worst than what it is.
-Keira Weldon
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