Thursday, February 14, 2008

Heleina Gartrell

Statement: Those who would exchange freedom for security deserve neither.I disagree with this statement. Trading in your freedom to feel safe in your environment does not mean that you don’t deserve either of them. Look at the book 1984. The government took away all freedom from the community for security purposes because the government is fearful that if people think on their own things will not go the way that they want them to. In this the community lives in fear but nobody seems to know how things were before these times, so you can’t really say if they gave up their freedom for security or not. Regardless of whether they did or not, they deserve freedom because nobody deserves to be fearful of their own mind.

1 comment:

Deep Thoughts - 1984 said...

I definitely agree with you. I would also like to mention that in all honesty it's hard to maintain freedom without some security. For example, were a person to go live in the Amazon, they'd be one hundred percent free, but there would be the consant fear of disease, attack, and running out of food. Without any security, more freedom is not necessarily beneficial. The moderate security that a good government provides can help allow freedom to be realized.