Thursday, February 14, 2008

Angelica Felix-DeGuzman (Patriotism)

"Patriotism means supporting your
government during times of war"
Patriotism(N): love for or devotion to one's country.
If you love your country and support your country then shouldnt you support you countries gorvenment though peace and war? However, what if your government is corrupt? Just because you love your country does that mean you agree with your government?
If your government officials are corrupt then wouldnt the decisions they are making not be for the good of the people but for their own selfish interests. If you love your coutnry then go ahead and love your country. However, loving your country doesnt necessarily mean loving the people who govern it. Because if you really think about it do we all hand pick the people we want to lead us? Or is it a majority of the population, no, not even that, because it is the electors of the country and not the peoples vote in particular that decides our countries leaders.
That brings us back to the question at hand. If you are a Patriot than you love your country. If you love your coutnry then shouldnt you support the decisions it makes politically? No. Because it is not your coutrny that is going to war. It is the men governing our coutnry who are sending us into war. It is their beliefs along with others that war is the solution.
I disagree with the statement:
"Patriotism means supporting your government durign times of war"
You do not need to support your government
in order to support your country.


Deep Thoughts - 1984 said...

I agree. The government is "suppose" to be a representatives of the citizens, the country. But what if the government is doing things that aren't beneficial to the country? Patriots don't have to follow the government is they are corrupted. :]

Melissa Wong

Francis Lin said...

Well Angelica, I agree some what with what you had to say. I agree with you that in some cases it would be hard to support a government that is corrupt. I also agree with your statement about how even the US, the model democracy of other nations doesn't actually have a majority elect its highest powers. But how can you say that you do not need to support your government to support your country? The government is the foundation of this country and if you don't support it, what do you support about a country? Its culture? Its people? The actual land itself? Would you want to abandon your people during a war, during their greatest time of need? If you actually love your country, you would not. Does that necessarily mean that you need to sign up for the army or even support the war? No, it doesn't. There are many ways you can show your patriotism. Even protesting a war in my opinion would be an act of patriotism. If a person decides to protest a war, that means that they love their country so much that they would do anything to make it a better place, and if a war is crippling a country, then a true patriot would see that it should stop and do anything in their power stop. It's like proof reading a paper. You don't hate the writer because you point out the flaws in their paper, you just want to make it the best paper it can be. On the other side of the coin, a patriot could also even serve for the armed forces in the hope that they are fighting for the greater good of the country. A person that isn't a true patriot would whine and do nothing, or give praise and do nothing, or just leave the country. Patriotism means supporting your country through the good times and the bad times, but support can be shown in different ways.

Deep Thoughts - 1984 said...
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Deep Thoughts - 1984 said...

I agree with your opinion and how you viewed the statement. I liked how you combined personal thoughts along with the definition of the word and some potential experiences. Patriotism means you will stick by your country in times of distress and failure, yet if you believe it is the government that is causing this you must be able to voice your ideas. You cannot think that just because they are your leaders they will do everything correctly.
Then I also agree with what Francis said. If the government makes a mistake that does not necessarily mean they are awful; but do I believe if they did then you need to change that mistake. Instead of starting all over, it would be best to try instead improving.

Molly Quinn-Shea

Deep Thoughts - 1984 said...

I agree with you that if patriots love their country then they got to support. However, you don't need to love your country in order to support it. For example, when I get older I want to go to Vietnam and help out my countrymen. Even though I didnt born in Vietnam, I love my heritage and willing to help.

-Lily Nguyen