Thursday, February 14, 2008

Janice- "For an idea to exist, we must have words to express it."

To some of us, words are significiantly used to express our strongest opinions or thoughts. For the artistic others, they paint pictures to express the thousand words that could be represented within their personal piece. Though these pictures have a literal meaning, they still manage to convey the artist's ideas through the expressions or emotions they put into the art piece. While words are most often used as a direct form of putting out an idea, an image's message is a lot stronger when it attracts the attention of a viewer by their instant emotion or reaction, upon viewing the image.So when they say "a picture is worth a thousand words", it shows that the image could be EXPLAINED using words, but it was created in the visual form because it's the full portrayal of an idea with added emotions. And that, is stronger than what words can conceive.


Deep Thoughts - 1984 said...

Aidan Lawrence-

I definitely agree with this, just because an idea doesn't have words to express it doesn't mean that it can't exist. What about paintings and sculpture, and emotions? Even if someone can't physically describe an idea on paper doesn't mean they don't have it.

Deep Thoughts - 1984 said...

What you say is absolutely true - the strongest feelings that a person can experience aren't always so easily explainable. Sometimes there are no words powerful enough to describe what you are thinking about. If all ideas had to be accompanied by an explanation, imagination would disappear.
- Hannah Walhout