Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ms. Jenkins

Hello Everyone!
Thank you all for your thoughtful responses. Access to Internet has been challenging here in Ghana, but I have enjoyed reading many of your responses to the overriding statements as well as one another’s responses. Many of you are making excellent points and backing them up well with evidence. I may not be able to reply from here (Internet is slow), but will do so upon my return. Hopefully you are all enjoying the book!

Our trip to Ghana has been amazing so far. We have met incredible people, visited Mr. Labi’s village in Dunkwa, participated in ceremonies, eaten wonderful food (bananas, oranges, pineapple, banku, chicken, tilapia…), danced, played soccer, met amazing people, swam in the ocean, and much more. It has truly been an eye-opening and perspective-changing experience. I hope you are all doing well and are having a relaxing vacation. See you soon!

Ms. Jenkins

1 comment:

Deep Thoughts - 1984 said...

Yeahhhhhhhhh! yes you danced with women who loved to grope, though hbomosexuality was not displayed otherwise!

Justine Freeman