Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Johannes Harkins - Part 3 - Prompt 5

"People who are a serious threat to the government should be able to held in prison without being charged."

I believe that people who are improsined have a right to fail trial and to have knowledge of the charges pressed against them. The contistution gives everyone the right to a fair trial & to know their charges. However the Patriot Act allows enemy combatants to be held without a charge or a trial, a law that I belive is incredibly uncostitutional and is immoral.


Deep Thoughts - 1984 said...

I agree that it is completely wrong to hold people in prison without charging them. What makes our country a democracy is that everyone has the right to a trial, a lawyer, the right to know what you're being charged with, and the right not to be held indefinitely. In 1984, the Party works the opposite way. If they think that you have something against the government, they just take you away like they did to Winston and Julia. In this kind of society, it is impossible to defend yourself because there is no process that you go through like we have in our society today. I think that a society would not be able to function normally without this basic right that is granted to us today in the Bill of Rights.
-Kate Collins

michael.haruta said...

I agree with Johannes that it is immoral to hold someone without charging them or giving them a fair trial. Everyone has the right to a fair trial and to be convicted of a crime before they are held in prison. For example in 1984, Winston is held in the Ministry of Love without any kind of trial or conviction, and he is also tortured. This is not right because Winston was not given a chance to argue why or why he should not be taken to the Ministry of Love.

Deep Thoughts - 1984 said...

I agree with Johannes. People deserve to be able to know what they're being charged for. Having a trial makes and fair for everyone. Like in the book, Parsons was put into the Ministry of Love for thoughtcrime. But what he said was in his sleep and he's normally a very loyal and supportive member. It would have been more fair for him to get a trial. He didn't deserve a punishment that severe like the tortures they had there.

-Jessica K